2017 Christmas Photos
Despite my best efforts to get all our Christmas mail out this year, we still ended up with nine homeless cards. Does this happen to anyone else?! I literally thought about going to grocery store and handing them out to strangers or sticking them in random people's doors. These things were a buck or more a piece for goodness sakes!
Coincidentally, Christmas photos have become a bit of a tradition for us. It's the one time a year we actually plan to take a family photo. The very best thing about Christmas photos, at least for me, is how hilarious our kids are. They have a keen ability to keep things fun and spontaneous, and this year was no exception. Somehow though, our amazing friend and photographer Kelsey always manages to capture the most beautiful shots of our little tribe.
Below are some of my favorites that didn't make it into our Christmas card this year. See if you can find the one of our oldest son, Lincoln "helping" his younger brother, Ellis, smile for the camera. Pretty sure that one is my absolute favorite :-)
Also, if you're curious about the amazing scenery, we're standing in front of the Colvin Run Mill Historic Site in Great Falls, Virginia. We'd never been before, but it is absolutely beautiful and features a 200-year-old working mill, garden, store and home the property. If you're local, definitely a cool place to visit in the spring for a mill tour.
Merry Christmas to you and yours!