Pool Day
Musa and I spent a good part of this past weekend doing yard work. Even though we're well into the summer, we're just now getting around to weeding, cleaning off the grill & sweeping the porch (cookout anyone?!)
Of course, Lincoln was right there "helping" in his own, special way: playing in mulch, jumping in the line of the water hose and persecuting bugs. By the time we were done, he was soaked head to toe and covered in dirt.
"Geez, we might as well have taken you to the pool today," Musa said, surveying the damage.
"Want to?" I offered.
"Okay," came the casual reply. And in less than an hour, we were at the pool.
It was Lincoln's first real pool experience, and after just five minutes in the baby pool, he got water up his nose and decided he'd had enough. We discovered, however (with some cajoling), that he was content to hang on to Musa in the big kids' pool, so he spent the next 45 minutes clinging to my husband like a koala, while I relaxed on the perimeter, playing photographer.
It was the perfect afternoon really. I can never get enough of these two :-)